Why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry?| Explained

Thermodynamics, the study of heat and energy transfer, may seem similar to physics and chemistry, but there are some key differences between the two fields. In physics, thermodynamics focuses more on the fundamental principles governing energy and its transformations, such as the laws of thermodynamics that describe the behavior of energy in various systems. On the other hand, in chemistry, thermodynamics often deals with the energy changes that occur during chemical reactions, like heat exchanges, work done, and entropy changes.


While the basic concepts are the same, the applications and emphasis may vary. Physics tends to explore broader principles, while chemistry delves into the specific energy changes within chemical systems. Thus, although both disciplines use thermodynamics, they approach it from different angles based on their specific interests and applications.


Before we further understand why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry, we should know the basic concept of thermodynamics. This will make it easier for us to understand their explanations.

The basic concept of thermodynamics 


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


Thermodynamics might sound like a complex scientific term, but at its core, it’s a fascinating field that helps us understand how energy moves and changes in our universe. In simple terms, it’s like the rulebook that governs how things heat up, cool down, and interact with each other. Whether you’re making a cup of tea or launching a rocket into space, thermodynamics plays a crucial role in understanding the processes involved.


The Laws of Thermodynamics


At the heart of thermodynamics are four fundamental laws, but let’s focus on the first two, which are the most fundamental:

  • The Zeroth Law
  • The First Law


The Zeroth Law: This law establishes the concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium. It states that if two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in equilibrium with each other. Think of it like this: if you have two cups of tea, and both are at the same temperature, then they’re in thermal equilibrium.


The First Law: Also known as the Law of Energy Conservation, this law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This means that in any process, the universe’s total energy remains constant. Imagine you’re swinging on a swing – the energy you put into swinging gets converted into kinetic energy, and back again as you slow down.


Applications in Everyday Life


Thermodynamics isn’t just something for scientists to ponder in labs; it’s all around us in our daily lives. Here are a few examples:

  • Cooking
  • Refrigeration
  • Engines


Cooking: Ever wonder why food cooks faster in a pressure cooker? It’s because increasing the pressure raises the boiling point of water, allowing food to cook at a higher temperature, which speeds up the cooking process.


Refrigeration: Your fridge relies on thermodynamics to keep your food fresh. By removing heat from the interior and expelling it outside, the refrigerator creates a cool environment inside to preserve your groceries.


Engines: Whether it’s the engine in your car or a jet engine, thermodynamics is at play. These engines convert heat energy into mechanical work to propel vehicles forward.

After learning the basics of thermodynamics, let’s figure out some major differences between thermodynamics in physics and chemistry.


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


                                           Thermodynamics in Physics vs. Thermodynamics in Chemistry
Area  physics  chemistry 
. Focus and Scope Thermodynamics in physics primarily focuses on fundamental principles governing energy, such as the laws of thermodynamics and energy transformations in various systems. In chemistry, thermodynamics is often centered on energy changes during chemical reactions, including heat exchanges, work done, and entropy changes.
Emphasis Physics emphasizes broader principles of thermodynamics, examining energy at a macroscopic level and its behavior in diverse systems. Chemistry emphasizes the application of thermodynamics to understand and predict energy changes specifically within chemical systems.
Laws of Thermodynamics Physics often deals with the theoretical aspects and applications of all four laws of thermodynamics, including concepts like energy conservation and entropy. Chemistry primarily focuses on the first and second laws of thermodynamics, relating to energy conservation and entropy changes in chemical reactions.
System Analysis Thermodynamics in physics analyzes a wide range of systems, including mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic systems. In chemistry, the focus is more on closed or isolated systems, particularly chemical reactions in laboratory or industrial settings.
Thermodynamic Variables Physics often deals with extensive variables such as volume, pressure, and temperature, considering their effects on energy transfer and transformations. Chemistry frequently involves intensive variables like concentration, molar quantities, and Gibbs free energy, which are crucial for understanding chemical equilibrium and reaction spontaneity.
Applications Applications of thermodynamics in physics include engines, refrigerators, and understanding the behavior of stars and galaxies. In chemistry, thermodynamics finds applications in predicting reaction spontaneity, and equilibrium constants and designing chemical processes.
Thermodynamic Processes Physics studies various thermodynamic processes like isothermal, adiabatic, and reversible processes, exploring their implications on energy transfer and work done. Chemistry often focuses on understanding the energetics of chemical processes, such as exothermic and endothermic reactions, and their implications on reaction spontaneity.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium Thermodynamics in physics explores the concept of thermodynamic equilibrium in different systems, considering factors like entropy maximization. Chemistry examines dynamic chemical equilibria, where rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal, leading to a stable state with constant concentrations of reactants and products.
Energy Conservation Physics emphasizes the conservation of energy principle, studying how energy is transferred and transformed within systems according to the laws of thermodynamics. Chemistry applies the concept of energy conservation to understand energy changes associated with chemical reactions and how they relate to the overall system’s stability and spontaneity.


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


After understanding the reason why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry. I will try to discuss some basic queries people are asking on the internet regarding thermodynamics

  • What is the difference between thermodynamics and physical chemistry?
  • Should I study thermodynamics in physics or chemistry?
  • Is thermodynamics a chapter of physics or chemistry?
  • Why thermodynamics is different from thermochemistry?
  • Is thermodynamics hard in chemistry or physics?
  • What branch of physics is thermodynamics?
  • Who discovered thermodynamics?
  • Is the first law of thermodynamics of physics and chemistry different?
  • Why do we study thermodynamics in chemistry?
  • What is the relationship between thermodynamics and chemistry?
  • What is the first law of thermodynamics in chemistry?


Difference Between Thermodynamics and Physical Chemistry:


Thermodynamics and physical chemistry are closely related fields, but they have distinct focuses. Thermodynamics deals with the study of energy and its transformations in various systems, while physical chemistry is broader, encompassing thermodynamics along with other aspects such as kinetics, quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy. Physical chemistry applies principles from physics and chemistry to understand the behavior of matter and the interactions between particles at a molecular level.


Choosing Between Studying Thermodynamics in Physics or Chemistry:


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


Whether to study thermodynamics in physics or chemistry depends on your interests and career goals. If you’re more interested in understanding energy principles at a fundamental level and exploring broader applications beyond chemical reactions, studying thermodynamics in physics might be suitable. On the other hand, studying it in chemistry would be more appropriate if you’re interested in applying thermodynamics specifically to chemical systems and reactions.


Is Thermodynamics a Chapter of Physics or Chemistry?


Thermodynamics is a fundamental topic that belongs to both physics and chemistry. It is studied as a separate subject in both disciplines due to its importance in understanding energy principles and their applications in various systems.


Differences Between Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry:


Thermodynamics focuses on the study of energy and its transformations in systems, encompassing principles like the laws of thermodynamics and energy transfer. Thermochemistry, on the other hand, specifically deals with the heat changes that occur during chemical reactions and processes. While related, thermochemistry is a subset of thermodynamics, focusing on a narrower aspect within the broader field.


Difficulty of Thermodynamics in Chemistry or Physics:


The difficulty of studying thermodynamics can vary depending on individual preferences and prior knowledge. In both chemistry and physics, thermodynamics can be challenging due to its abstract concepts and mathematical formulations. However, with dedication and practice, students can grasp the fundamental principles and applications of thermodynamics in either field.


Branch of Physics for Thermodynamics:


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


Thermodynamics is a branch of classical physics that deals with the study of heat, energy, and their interactions with matter. It is essential for understanding the behavior of physical systems and has applications in various fields such as engineering, meteorology, and materials science.


Discovery of Thermodynamics:


The development of thermodynamics as a scientific discipline involved contributions from multiple scientists over several centuries. Key figures in the history of thermodynamics include Sadi Carnot, Rudolf Clausius, James Clerk Maxwell, and Ludwig Boltzmann, among others.


First Law of Thermodynamics in Physics and Chemistry:


The first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy is conserved in any process, applies universally to both physics and chemistry. Whether in a physical system or a chemical reaction, the total energy of the system remains constant, although it can change forms.


Importance of Studying Thermodynamics in Chemistry:


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


Studying thermodynamics in chemistry is essential for understanding the energetics of chemical reactions, predicting reaction spontaneity, and designing chemical processes. It provides a theoretical framework for analyzing the energy changes that occur during chemical reactions and helps elucidate the factors influencing reaction equilibrium and kinetics.


Relationship Between Thermodynamics and Chemistry:


Thermodynamics and chemistry are closely intertwined disciplines, with thermodynamics providing the theoretical foundation for understanding energy changes in chemical systems. Thermodynamic principles are applied in chemistry to predict reaction spontaneity, determine equilibrium constants, and optimize reaction conditions for various industrial and scientific purposes.


The First Law of Thermodynamics in Chemistry:


In chemistry, the first law of thermodynamics is commonly expressed in terms of the conservation of energy during chemical reactions. It states that the total energy of a system remains constant, and any heat absorbed or released during a reaction is accounted for in terms of changes in internal energy, work done, and heat exchange with the surroundings.


What is the difference between thermodynamics and thermochemistry?


Thermodynamics encompasses the study of energy and its transformations in various systems, while thermochemistry specifically focuses on the heat changes occurring during chemical reactions.

Is thermodynamics harder to study in chemistry or physics?


Thermodynamics can present challenges in both chemistry and physics due to its abstract concepts and mathematical formulations. However, with dedication and practice, students can grasp its fundamental principles and applications in either field.

What are the three laws of thermodynamics?


The three laws of thermodynamics are fundamental principles governing energy:

Energy conservation: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

Entropy increase: The total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time.

Absolute zero entropy: As the temperature of a system approaches absolute zero, the entropy approaches a minimum value.


Why is studying thermodynamics important in chemistry?


Studying thermodynamics in chemistry is crucial for understanding the energetics of chemical reactions, predicting reaction spontaneity, and designing chemical processes. It provides a theoretical framework for analyzing energy changes in chemical systems.

Who discovered thermodynamics?


The development of thermodynamics as a scientific discipline involved contributions from multiple scientists over several centuries, including Sadi Carnot, Rudolf Clausius, James Clerk Maxwell, and Ludwig Boltzmann, among others.


Role of thermodynamics in civil engineering 


Building Design: Thermodynamics plays a crucial role in civil engineering by guiding the design of buildings to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. Understanding heat transfer helps engineers optimize insulation, HVAC systems, and window placement to achieve energy efficiency.


Energy Management: Civil engineers use thermodynamics principles to manage energy consumption in buildings and infrastructure projects. By analyzing heat flow and energy transfer, engineers can design sustainable solutions to reduce energy waste and minimize environmental impact.


why thermodynamics is different in physics and chemistry


HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems rely heavily on thermodynamics principles. Engineers design HVAC systems to control indoor temperature, humidity, and air quality, ensuring occupants’ comfort and well-being while maximizing energy efficiency.


Structural Stability: Thermodynamics influences the stability and durability of civil engineering structures. Engineers consider thermal expansion and contraction effects on materials to prevent structural damage due to temperature variations, especially in bridges, roads, and railways.


Geothermal Energy: Civil engineers utilize thermodynamics concepts in geothermal energy systems, which harness heat from the earth’s subsurface for heating and electricity generation. Understanding heat transfer mechanisms helps optimize geothermal system design and performance.


Urban Planning: Thermodynamics informs urban planning decisions to mitigate the urban heat island effect, where cities experience higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas due to human activities and infrastructure. Strategies like green spaces, reflective surfaces, and efficient building design can help manage urban heat.


Materials Selection: Thermodynamics principles guide civil engineers in selecting materials with appropriate thermal properties for construction projects. Choosing materials with high thermal resistance or conductivity ensures optimal performance and energy efficiency in buildings and infrastructure.


Environmental Impact: Civil engineers consider thermodynamic effects on the environment when designing projects. By minimizing energy consumption and emissions through sustainable design practices, engineers can reduce the environmental footprint of civil engineering projects.


Renewable Energy Integration: Thermodynamics principles are applied in the integration of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power into civil engineering projects. Engineers analyze heat transfer and energy conversion processes to optimize the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy systems.


Infrastructure Resilience: Understanding thermodynamics helps civil engineers design resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding extreme weather events and temperature fluctuations. By considering thermal stresses and material behavior, engineers ensure the longevity and safety of infrastructure in diverse environmental conditions.




the difference between thermodynamics in physics and chemistry boils down to their focus and applications. Physics delves into the fundamental principles of energy and its transformations in the universe, exploring concepts like work, heat, and entropy. On the other hand, chemistry applies thermodynamics to understand and predict the behavior of molecules and reactions, emphasizing concepts such as enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, and reaction spontaneity.




 What is Thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the study of energy and its transformations in various systems. It deals with the relationships between heat, work, and other forms of energy.


How is Thermodynamics Applied in Physics and Chemistry?

In physics, thermodynamics focuses on the fundamental principles governing energy transfer and conversion in mechanical systems. In chemistry, it examines energy changes that occur during chemical reactions and the behavior of matter on a molecular level.


 Why is Thermodynamics Different in Physics and Chemistry?

The primary difference lies in the systems studied and the energy transformations observed. Physics predominantly deals with macroscopic systems like engines, gases, and heat transfer, while chemistry focuses on microscopic systems like molecules, atoms, and chemical reactions.


What Are Some Key Concepts in Thermodynamics for Physics?

Physics emphasizes concepts such as heat engines, entropy, work, and the laws of thermodynamics. These principles help understand the behavior of gases, engines, refrigerators, and other mechanical systems.


 What Are Some Key Concepts in Thermodynamics for Chemistry?

Chemistry focuses on concepts such as enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, entropy changes in chemical reactions, and phase transitions. These concepts are crucial for understanding chemical equilibrium, reaction spontaneity, and reaction kinetics.


How Do These Differences Impact Study and Applications?

The differences in focus between physics and chemistry lead to different approaches in problem-solving and applications. While physics may focus on optimizing the efficiency of engines, chemistry may concentrate on predicting the outcome of chemical reactions or designing new materials.


Can Concepts from Physics and Chemistry Overlap?

Yes, there is a significant overlap between physics and chemistry in thermodynamics. Both disciplines share fundamental principles such as conservation of energy, entropy, and the laws of thermodynamics. However, the emphasis and applications may vary depending on the field of study.


How Does Understanding Thermodynamics Benefit Us?

Understanding thermodynamics is crucial for various fields, including engineering, environmental science, material science, and biology. It helps in designing efficient systems, predicting chemical reactions, optimizing processes, and understanding natural phenomena.


Where Can I Learn More About Thermodynamics?

There are numerous resources available, including textbooks, online courses, and educational websites. Additionally, consulting with professors or experts in physics and chemistry can provide valuable insights into specific topics or applications.

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A dedicated civil engineer with more than 5 years of practical experience in construction as a site engineer founded our company. I am passionate about all things civil engineering and construction. My mission is to make the complex field of civil engineering accessible to everyone.

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